Producție de tip Lean de la item

Principalul produs Lean Production Building Kit System de la item - prezent in Romania prin BIBUS SES - este Profile Tube System D30 pentru producția lean - aducând o eficiență maximă sistemelor lean și logisticii interne ale instalației.

Avantajele producției de tip Lean dintr-o privire

  • Sistemul lean poate fi asamblat de o singură persoană
  • Tehnologie de fixare care prezintă stabilitate pe termen lung
  • Aplicațiile existente pot fi adaptate rapid
  • Complet compatibil cu sistemul MB Building Kit

Lean processes with Profile Tube System D30

Procese Lean cu Profile Tube System D30

Sistemul lean pentru construirea echipamentelor de fabrică

Sistemul Profile Tube D30 este ideal pentru construirea rapidă a echipamentelor sofisticate, orientate spre soluții. Este exact ceea ce aveți nevoie pentru a implementa cu succes producția de tip Lean în fabricile dvs., pentru a optimiza continuu aprovizionarea cu materiale și procesele de producție și, astfel, a reduce costurile.

Sistemul flexibil Lean Production Building Kit de la item se poate adapta cu ușurință la noile fluxuri de lucru. Componentele sale au fost modificate special pentru a satisface cerințele proceselor ușoare - au greutate redusă, prezintă stabilitate de lungă durată și au un design modular. Lean Production item - in Romania prin BIBUS SES


Custom factory equipment

Echipamente personalizate de fabrică

Producție sistematică de tip Lean

Toate componentele item din gama Lean Production Building Kit System sunt perfect potrivite pentru utilizare în producția lean. Tube D30 și Profile Tube D30 formează structura de bază a tuturor proiectelor. Profilele și elementele de fixare din aluminiu D30 pot fi asamblate direct la fața locului pentru a construi rafturi robuste și echipamente din fabrică. Toate conexiunile sunt stabile de îndată ce au fost strânse.  Lean Production item - in Romania prin BIBUS SES


Efficient internal plant logistics

Logistică internă eficientă 

Alimentarea facilă cu materiale

The rapid construction of flow racks and a huge selection of roller conveyors make it especially easy to work with standardised containers and workpiece carriers for intralogistics. Keep everything flowing smoothly – with the help of the material supply components from the item Lean Production Building Kit System, you can implement your intralogistics solution easily and reliably.   


Karakuri/LCA (Low Cost Automation)

Karakuri/LCA (Low Cost Automation)

Intelligent automation 

There’s more than one way to automate intralogistics and lean manufacturing. Karakuri/LCA, also known as low-cost automation, is an ideal solution – mechanical automation solutions without drives, electricity or compressed air take the strain off employees and make processes more efficient by exploiting the laws of gravity and mechanics.



Lean production – an expert guide

Lean production – an expert guide

Free expertise 

What does “lean” actually mean, and what steps need to be taken to effectively optimise production processes and material supply? How exactly can a Lean Production Building Kit System help? Find out more in our guidelines and practical tips for using and building cost-effective factory equipment for lean processes.   

Alternatively, experience all the potential the individual lean production methods have in store for your company first-hand – through practical, realistic simulations. Find out how you can systematically boost value creation with a lean system and by implementing lean processes – all in the item learning factory.



Lean Production Building Kit System – practical application examples

Lean Production Building Kit System – practical application examples

Optimised internal plant logistics and more 

Profile Tube System D30 produces light, stable and highly adaptable applications for lean production and intralogistics. These range from ergonomic material handling with manually-operated Karakuri mechanics and flow racks with roller conveyors right through to hand trolleys with working surfaces and storage shelves. See for yourself!



Reliable intralogistics

Reliable intralogistics

Stable, versatile material 

Intralogistics solutions benefit from strong roller elements and stable constructions that can withstand continuous loading on a daily basis as part of goods transport systems. That’s precisely what the item Lean Production Building Kit System can offer your company’s intralogistics. The end result is high availability and minimal maintenance costs, which can only benefit your production logistics.

The flexibility of the lean system ensures you can adapt your factory equipment at any time – for instance, if external factors are affecting your internal logistics. At the same time, the innovative fasteners ensure your intralogistics constructions are totally secure, which also minimises the maintenance costs associated with material supply.